Did we just make a huge mistake?

Hi! I’m Bethany - pet sitter turned dog trainer, all thanks to our third dog Theo who made me feel like I was doing everything wrong. And since you’re here, maybe you’re feeling the same way.

You’ve probably googled all the things and now you’re wondering, is balanced training right for us? I just happened to stumble upon E Collar training on accident when searching for dog training help on YouTube.

Why haven’t I heard of this before?!

I ended up BINGING how-to videos while I walked dogs during the day. I was nervous, but I had to try something. So I started using the E Collar with Theo and, no exaggeration, it was LIFE CHANGING. We came so close to bringing him back to the shelter (like, crying on the bathroom floor, almost out the door with him kind of moment), but ended up keeping him because being able to communicate clearly with the E Collar made things so much easier.

And it helped me feel more confident as an owner. It feels so crappy when you get a dog and think it will go one way (happy, dreamy, FUN) and then you’re confronted with all the bad behaviors you didn’t expect and you start to wonder if you’re cut out for this - and why have I never heard anyone else talk about this side of dog ownership??

After years of working with lots of challenging dogs and their owners, I’ve learned that there are SO many of us out there with tougher dogs: reactive, anxious, pushy - the list goes on. But you don’t have to do this alone. If you feel like you’ve tried everything, but you’re hitting a wall (been there), I hope you give this training a try. It might just change your life.

But, here’s the truth - you’re not the only one.

I share so much over on Instagram. It’s kind of one of my very favorite things. Hope to see you over there!

Meet the Walking Dog DOGS

  • Sadie May (Mama May)


  • Charles Xavier (Charlie Boo)


  • Theo Roger (Bubba)


  • Betty Lou (Louie or Boo Boo)